Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Home Visits

On Tuesday we had a coordinator from Baby Net come out to the house to evaluate Shea in 5 areas: communication,  social skills, self help skills, fine motor and gross motor. We really only thought there was a concern with gross motor skills. To qualify services, (like physical rherapy) the child has to have a deficiency in two areas at 25% OR 40% in one area. They also take into consideration doctors recommendations and what the parents concerns are. We haven't heard back yet, but I'm thinking we will qualify based in his gross motor skills.
***update***  we received a call Wednesday afternoon that Shea qualified in two areas: gross motor and self help skills. So now we are waiting on an Early Childhood Interventionist to come out and set us with a plan. I am not sure what else besides Physical Therapy, but I will let you know as we know.

On Wednesday we had a Tefra (medicaid-like) person come to the house to check Shea out. Tefra is a pretty cool program. It falls under the medicaid umbrella, but is based only on the child's income not the parents. We really need the Tefra to help pay Shea's medical bills.  The process could take up to two more months to hear back. We are praying for a speedier process and that we will hear back sooner than Thanksgiving.

Both women who came out to the house this week were very kind and clearly love their jobs. They also know our pediatrician very well and we are once again blessed to have him on our team!

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