Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Updates from the Dr's appointments

On 2/9, Paul and I met with lots of doctors!  I know it seems like we do this every month. Well....we kinda do, I try to schedule them all on the same day so we are only missing one day or work.  Thinking smart, aren't I??

First up was the glucose test with a side of an OB appointment.  The glucose test went fine.  I mean I actually enjoyed that orange stuff, it made me feel better too.  I am not one who can wait very long to eat.  So once I had the sugar in my system, I felt much better.  We met with our OB for normal check up.  He wasn't too happy with my weight gain, but I am still less than where I was pre-pregnancy. I also got that annoying Tdap shot (whooping cough) I went to get bloodwork and finger prick for the glucose test......I FAILED the glucose test :(  I cried.  Yup, I cried!  I mean, REALLY?!?! I spend 20 weeks basically eating nothing, the last 8 weeks eating somethings and the last 3-4 actually enjoying food again.  And now I am going to  have to spend the next 10 weeks eating limited things? (aka nothing, because most of the things on that diet are making me gag!) UUUGGGGGGG, just let me eat food!!

I had to pull myself together as we left CMC and went to Novant for our cardiologist appointment.  The good news is...there is nothing new to report.  Shea was wonderful in letting us get good images of his heart. As he grows, so does his heart.  We(the laymen) were able to understand more about his heart as the image is bigger and they are able to point out the different sections and parts, even the missing ones.  As you can see in the picture below our Tricuspid valve doesn't open and the Atrial septal and ventricular septal are actually good keeps the flow going.

 We were able to ask questions and get clarifications of things.  We also had them burn a dvd for us...we are sending it to Boston Children's Hospital.  We are covering all our bases and making sure that there is no doubt in our minds that Charlotte is a good fit.  Big thanks goes to my momma for forming a relationship with one of the best dr's in the country who is going to take a look and give us a second opinion! Since Shea was so well behaved we weren't there very long...and it was time for lunch!!!

We found this cute little place called Just was super yummy and healthish...def will be going back!  We had some time to kill before our appointment at the NICU, so we decided to go check out the Ronald McDonald House.  Our amazing nurse navigator had already called ahead.  We knew that the house had been recently built, 2011, but it was in amazing shape!!  I mean its gorgeous!  The guest rooms are like hotel rooms, the kitchen...well I would love to have that kitchen myself and the library....oh so many cozy chairs and books to choose from.  I was hesitant about staying there, and not next to Shea every minute of every day....but realistically, I know I am going to need to sleep in a real bed, eat a real meal and see people not in least some of the time.  It will be a new kind of balancing act for sure.  

We then went to meet our nurse navigator and do our NICU tour.  Nothing too shocking.  I mean it is the NICU, so it's not a happy sunshiney place.  But neither Paul or I were surprised by anything.  Well maybe one thing....there was only one set of parents in there.  The nurse told us that many parents are at work, or are sleeping.  They come by when they can.  She even said some stop by after a night of clubbing....  Um, I guess thats one good thing about being "older" parents...we dont club...I mean we went out for my birthday in July...but that was it.  

All in all a good day for appointments....except that glucose test :(  I will be going back next week for the three hour glucose test.  Hopefully I pass that one!

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