Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sweet Gestures

Yesterday a sweet friend, and a former parent (times 2), sent me a text letting me know there was a small something in my mailbox at school.  So this morning when I got down to my classroom, I sat down and opened up my "small something".  Friends, you have no idea how far a note can go.  And it's not just the note, it's the message that's written.  

Excerpt from the momma: "I just wanted to let you know that Olivia and I are wearing purple on Friday for Shea and all the other babies born with CHD this year (and beyond). Just something small we can do for you. " She is such a wonderful Godly woman and her words are so powerful and so heart filling.  I am blessed to call her my friend!

Excerpt from her daughter, my former student:  "I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing jump rope for heart for Shea." Our school is doing Jump Rope for Heart and she is doing it in honor of Shea.  That momma has raised a a great kid (2 actually!!)   One who still loves her first grade teacher and has empathy for others.  Oh the love I have for this family!!  They also gave me some sweet bracelets, these wont be leaving my wrist for a long time.  Great reminders of the support my family and friends have and will continue to give me.  

Here is that sweet girls' fundraising page: Life is Why Any donation is greatly appreciated :)

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