Saturday, January 9, 2016

New OB and new friends!

On Tuesday, Paul and I went to uptown to the CharlotteOBGYN practice and met my new OB, Dr. Wicker. This new practice is huge compared to my old one. They sent me back for a urine sample and I got lost! I had to ask another patient for help...hahaha. Once we finally got back to the room we talked with the nurse, filled out some papers and then got to meet Dr. Wicker. Paul and I both really liked him and what he had to say. He took his time with us, answering questions and asking some of his own. He as well, said we would see him and another Dr in the practice...but anyone could deliver us. At this point I'm okay with that. (I just want the best Dr's for Shea once he arrives!) I was also able to cancel my glucose test for Friday!  He said even if I had it now, I will need to redo it at 28 weeks...we are just going to do it at 28 weeks!:) Dr Wicker says I am a totally 'normal' pregnant woman, but because of Shea they put me on their high risk list. Which is great because we have a nurse coordinator, Kathy!  I've had several conversations with her already and I really like her!

So this week I spent a lot of time with various Dr's offices. I had an appointment scheduled for 2/1 and 2/5 (but that's the hundredth day of school!!)  After lots of calling the OB coordinator and pedatric cardiologist office, I finally got them both scheduled for 2/9. Whew!  Going to be a long morning for me,  maybe I can nap before tutoring!

Last night we were able to speak with one of Paul's best friends' brother and sister-in-law.  6 years ago they went thru something very similar to our situation. (Their daughter was diagnosed with pulmonary atresia)  The little girl is doing wonderful know and is on her way to being a prima ballarina! The parents were just amazing. The support, knowledge, questions and answers they were able to give us in that short amount of time, really helped both Paul and I realize a few things.

One of them being that yes our lives will change immediately when Shea arrives (as do every first time parents) but the way our lives change will be even more different. We are going to need to live in a bubble for the first few months, only a few people will be able to physically meet Shea. That is going to be super hard for us.  We have so many people who love this little kiddo, want to meet him, hold him, etc. And we just are going to have to say no and not be social. (Y'all please, please don't take it personal when we say no in the future.  Please remember we are doing it to keep Shea safe and healthy and out of the hospital as much as we can. We love you and know that you love our family and hope that you can try to understand why this is so important.)

Another thing the four of us talked about was how people can help. It's human nature to want to help someone they care about, trust me Paul and I know all about that.  Just take a look at our jobs :)  So while our bubble may be closed around Shea, I know for sure we will need our villages' help. How? Well I'm not sure yet. But I'm open to suggestions. Sign-up genius works great at school. So we could put the needs up there and people could sign up for it if they wanted too. But again what needs will we have...of course the normal first time parents ones: meals!! But other than that I am stumped. We have both been focusing so much on what we need to do right now for Shea, that we haven't looked into the coming home part. We need to start looking into that too because before we know it little man will be here!!

Thank you readers for all your sweet messages, notes and words of love. We know it was our choice to put our story out here, but it's been all of you who kept us going, giving your support and loving us through all of our ups and downs. And man there have been a lot haven't there?!?! I will continue to keep this blog posted as we continue our journey. And hopefully there will be no more secret posts!


  1. Because both my boys were premature we had to be in a bubble for a while too. It felt hard at the time but now I look back and I'm glad I had all that alone time with my precisious babies. It won't last forever! :) you will do great

    1. Thank you for sharing! I am glad to be in a bubble and keep Shea safe. However I am worried about my sanity from being closed off from everyone.
