Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ultrasound for Fun...part 2

In the first part of the post I purposefully did not mention our entire experience.  There was some big reasons for this, but I also want to blog about it!  So I have Secret Blogged again!  

During our ultrasound, our nurse was looking at the brain, spine and heart.  Just to see how they were all developing.  She noticed something with Baby SH's heart.  She could not see/find all 4 chambers of the heart. She pointed this out to us and asked when we were seeing the OB next.  As it happens, my appointment was the next day.  I told her they said my next ultrasound from them would be 21 weeks.  She strongly encouraged us to not wait that long. The sooner the doctors know about a heart issue, the better the outcome.  

Was I freaking out?  Actually no, in the office I was very calm and collected.  My sweet hubby was for sure a bit nervous.  While talking about the heart in the car, that's when I started to get nervous.  We called a very dear friend, who unfortunately, had a daughter pass due to heart issues, in infancy.  She is such an amazing person and she had some great words of wisdom.  She basically also told us the same things the nurse had. They both had said to push for a Level 2 Ultrasound.  This is done in Uptown (Charlotte), different machine, more information, and a specialist nurse and doctor. 

Fast forward to the next day.  My OB was not very happy we went for an outside ultrasound. Basically told us the nurse had no right telling us about the heart.  (Side note: I disagree fully.  Our nurse operates a level 2 ultrasound  in one of the hospitals Uptown, she also trains the residents as they come in every year.  She also did not charge us for the session, which to me says she is more concerned with us and Baby SH then making a quick buck. It was not a scare tactic at all) The OB  said she wasn't concerned because 17 weeks is early.  

The rest of our OB appointment went okay.  We tried to listen to Baby SH's heart, but they were moving around so much, she couldn't get the heartbeat.  At this point she did tell us that she was glad that we had an ultrasound and heard the heartbeat. (score!)   She also did share with us that we are going to have a level 2 ultrasound, not because of the heart concern, but because of our journey through IVF. (I'm not really sure I believe her, but I am very glad we are going in for a Level 2 ultrasound on 12/1)

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