Monday, June 22, 2015

Oh the Oil!!!

The first time around with all the meds it was hard to tell which ones were making me feel what.  This time around I was on the estrogen patches for a while and I didn't feel too many side effects.  But since being on the progesterone oil....whoa baby!

The biggest side effects I have been experiencing are tearfulness (it doesn't take much), overheating (I need a cool pillow, or fan or something at night) and a touch of paranoia.Although in talking to my trusted advisers, (true friends who love me even when I'm insane), so far most of my paranoia isn't completely unjustified.  Which is really comforting...seriously! 

The good news is that the shots are going really well.  The only welt I have had so far is because we forgot to heat the oil first.  I know I know, I just wrote about those steps!  But another side effect is mush brain, and yes I have it.  I am having to write down things that I should be able to remember and hold on to.  If I get pregnant, I know this will be a common forgive me now

Tomorrow is T-day.  We will be transferring two embryos tomorrow.  So far my uterus lining has been measuring great!  On Sunday I had blood work and my progesterone levels weren't as high as they wanted, so we upped the dosage of the oil.  Here's to hoping for sticky uterus!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

...They're Back....

Before I even get into this post...I hope my grammar friends are so proud of me for using the right "they're" If you don't know someone who is a grammar fiend, I have plenty to spare!  :) 

On Thursday night we jumped right back in the saddle with the progesterone oil shots...which happen to go in my butt.  If you are just joining us on this journey, these shots are not so much fun.  We have learned through practice that icing the cheek for at least 20 minutes, heating oil with heating pad and then heating after applied really does help.  DON'T try to be the brave woman here...thats what natural childbirth is all about!  If you don't do these things we have found that huge welts and massive uncomfortabliness in any sitting situation occur.  And I don't care you who one needs a hero in infertility meds! Another reason I don't love this med, besides the pain, is the crazy it makes me feel.  I have been on the estrogen patches for several weeks and have only noticed a small difference. But these shots....this is all I have to say:
I am super lucky to have the husband I do.  He continues to say the sweetest things to others about all I am enduring.  We had a conversation with one of our Pastor's today.  And while granted I was already teary-eyed and emotional, Paul just starts talking about all I have been going through and that out of anyone I deserve to have a baby. I just started bawling.  I love him for saying that. But I truly believe that anyone who wants a baby should be able to have one, if that means adoption, getting pregnant "the normal way", using a surrogate, using donor sperm/egg/embryo, etc!  I am no more special than anyone else out there.  This is something I, and Paul, really want.  No question in my mind that I wouldn't do these shots, meds, heartbreak, etc to end up with a baby or two :) Although I wouldn't lie to you...I have threatened giving him a shot or two in this last round!

And just so you know that this post is brought to you by ecards:

Monday, June 15, 2015

....And I cried

So I have been on the estrogen patches for a bit and am up to 4 patches.  The only differences I have seen are either starving, or not hungry.  Well last night I began to feel something new. I have only been getting one shot at night(compared to 3 a night in round 1) and this shot is only 5 units, very small amount.  But last night when it came to shot time, I cried.  I said I didn't want to do this anymore, I was done with shots.  Obviously I didn't mean it, round 2 has been so much easier.  There is only one shot and one pill a day.  The only thing I can say is it had to be the hormones.  
Tomorrow I go in for blood work and an ultrasound to make sure everything is falling into place.  If all is good on the 18th I will begin the progesterone oil shots again. Now, those will be painful.  My butt has finally healed, and I am NOT looking forward to months of that shot. I know the end result is worth we will heat oil, ice butt and then massage butt afterwards.  If anyone comes across any other remedies, please pass them along!  

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Here we go!

Thursday afternoon aunt flo finally showed up!  I needed to go in Friday am for blood work and ultrasound. The only bad thing was that we were going to Zac Brown Band on Thursday night. It was a great show, he did an amazing show with some really great covers. The bad thing, the parking lot afterwards. We didn't get home till after midnight.

In an effort to get just a little sleep, I didn't make sure I was at Reach 20 minutes before they opened. No lie I pulled in to the parking lot at 7:03....and I was there for an hour!  Usually I am one of the first people there and am out of there in about 30 minutes. Who knew that it really mattered to get there super early! 

We got the go ahead to start estrogen patches. We decreased the Lupron in half, added a nighttime pill and the estrogen patches start.  The patches are a bit different this time. They are changed every other day and are increased. So I am on one patch now but will be increasing them as we go on. I will be up to 4 patches on at once mid June. Poor Paul,  and anyone else who has to deal with me! 

***update, 6/9 I started two patches. I can def tell I am a bit more irrational...although today was the last day of school. So that could just be the stress. ***