Thursday, November 26, 2015

Gender Reveal Time!!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!   So excited about our gender reveal party!!  I wish I had taken pictures prior to people arriving.  We have no pictures of the set-up.  But trust me it was cute!!  Our neighbor (and new friend!) helped me make bow and mustache pins.  When I was over at her house she offered us her decorations from her reveal party.  It was a perfect fit for what we had been planning! 

We had tons of food: pigs in a blanket( cooked by my dad!), meatballs(made by a friend), cookies in the shape of bows and mustaches (made by my momma), amazing cake (made by Publix), spinach and artichoke dip, corn dip (made by a friend), crack dip (made by a friend), veggie tray, and crackers and cheese.  Beverages consisted of pink punch, blue punch, beer, wine and water.

As people entered they picked a mustache or bow pin, tallied their vote, and guessed Baby SH's day of arrival.  I encouraged people to start was hot!  Paul helped get people in the door and started handing out drinks.  There was lots of mingling going on.  Panthers game was on...and let me tell you, I had no issues with the game on!  We ended up winning again, love our Panthers! !  

I had a little old wives tales trivia quiz for people to complete if they wanted. A bunch of people took part. My only rule was no use of technology :)  Believe it or not our close friend's 6th grade son won!! He got 9 out of 10 right. He was so excited for his prize of chocolate bars. 

We tried to wait until half time to cut the cake, but we went ahead and cut before the end of the 2nd quarter. 

I think I know based on the icing color I see on the knife!!!

We are completely in shock!  Laughing, excited but so not what we thought!!

We are in complete shock, awe and keep saying "it's a boy?!"  We both were sure baby SH was a girl....but oh no...boy it is!  We are looking forward to meeting our Shea Robert in April. :)  Thank you to all that were there to celebrate and those who wished us well from afar :)

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