Sunday, August 14, 2016

16 weeks old-almost

We have had an interesting past week here, so I thought I would do a "quick" know I am wordy, so hence the quotation marks. :)

Last Tuesday we went to the iCAN clinic where they evaluated Shea. After her exam she noticed some things and asked the Physical Therapist to come in and evaluate Shea. The testing was pretty similar to the one we had in the hospital. It was pretty cool to see how Shea had grown in some of those areas (tracking, noticing different sounds, holding objects)  Shea is right at 3 months (in ability ) for cognition and fine motor skills. But his big delay is in gross motor skills. He is super tight in his legs. He won't attempt to stand when you hold him, and he can't stretch his legs up above him.  So basically Shea has super tight hamstrings. The PT showed us some things to do with him and how to actually teach him how to roll as well. We did tummy time and different ways to keep him entertained while there. We are being referred to Baby Net which is this amazing company that has differentered kinds of therapies and guess what yall....IT'S FREE!  One more reason why living in SC was a good decision for us. So we will be having someone come to the house for some PT not sure how often just yet. 

On Wednesday, Shea slept alot! And didn't really have many wet diapers, mostly because he was too busy sleeping to eat. Oh yeah and maybe that virus was making him sleepy too. Wednesday evening, we weighed Shea as usual. He had lost 5 oz.  That seemed like a lot to me for just two days. I texted our head nurse and nurse navigator asking if I should call the cardiologist, they both said yes. Momma did not get much sleep that night. 

Thursday am: Called the cardiologist and they wanted to see him.  I was glad because Shea just wasn't right. I mean he was smiling but I could tell his personality was off, eating was off, and my gut was screaming at me. Luckily Paul was able to come home early from work and go with us. I won't say I was a wreck...on the outside, but I definitely was thinking we were headed to the hospital. Cardiologist said it wasn't his heart or lungs, which was wonderful news but I still didn't feel relieved. He did suggest we see our pediatrician just to make sure there wasn't anything going on there. 

Thursday pm: We were able to see Dr. Cook at 6pm. I am very glad we followed up with him. Shea did had a fever and viral infection.  The poor kiddo had to give blood and he was sooooooo unhappy. That may be the longest and hardest we have heard him cry. As soon as It was over, I tried to nurse him. It went like this scream/cry, suck suck suck, scream/cry, suck suck suck. After awhile he did calm down, but it was just pitiful.  He gets so clamy and sweaty and red/purple. :( 

I stayed home from work on Friday to snuggle with Shea. He was definitely feeling much better and we got in our excersizes and more tummy time. Aunt Emma came over too! We have not seen that lady in forever and Shea pulled out all the giggles for her. By weighing time, he had gained back 2 ounces. Whew!  So we are goin back up and now are at 12 lbs and 5oz. 

Saturday was a fun day! Mommy got to buy some new pjs! #momlife. We randomly stopped by at Aunt Darcis. She had a huge box for Shea and an audiobook for mommy! (Also a beautiful vase..LOL)  Then Grams and Gramps came over. They had been gone for a week and boy did we miss them. They brought some super cute clothes for Shea!  After hanging out for awhile, Paul had to go to his volleyball tournament and my parents stayed. I was able to do some baking (I am still nervous to do that alone with Shea) and then we got hungry!   The four of us headed out to dinner. We had some super yummy seafood and Shea had a good nap!  The kid ate 150ml twice! That's two 5 ounce feedings in one day!!! The most his has taken. Our boy is growing! We are so excited to be working up to that amount :)  

Some new things for Shea: being ticklish, his new word "eh", finding his feet (this is so cute to watch..he picks up his legs and just focuses on those feet. I have found him doing it in the rock and play, on the flook and in the car seat)  We also found and installed a new mobile in his crib. He loves it!  

Our sweet baby Shea just gives us so much joy. This picture below is him hanging out in bed with daddy watching the Olympics. How sweet is he?!  

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