Thursday, August 25, 2016

Medical week here we come!

This morning I shared on Sweet Baby Shea that we have a big week starting. Tomorrow am we have a doctors appointment with our pediatrician. In addition to the 4 month shots (ug!) We have some concerns we need help with.  I'm hoping they are normal baby things, like the random rashes and the cradle cap. But I am concerned about his screaming in pain due to gas. Also the weight seems to be staying the same and even going down some. #allthemommyworries

Last week we met with an ENT and we got a confirmed diagnosis that Shea is tongue tied. So there are two types of fixes, one where they cut it with scissors in the office. Another option is lasering it, which is done by pediatric dentist.  I talked with the Sanger clinic in detail about which would be better for Shea. We are going the old school method...clipping occurs Monday. The hope is that his latch with nursing and his ability to eat by bottle will be much easier. Poor kid works so hard to eat, he is burning way too many calories. My biggest regret is not getting it looked at sooner, but honestly I had no idea. Two friends were listening to my frustrations and immediately voiced their concerns of Shea being tongue tied. I'm so thankful for them!

Next Friday we go to the cardiologist. I feel like we are there all the time but we love them, so I guess it's a good thing! This appointment we will be having an echo done and hopefully talking about the Glenn. My gut feeling is that Shea's VSD is either closed or close to being closed. We had already talked about having the surgery done in September to keep Shea healthy during cold/flu/RSV/virus season. I think after the echo, Dr. Ohmstede will talk with Dr. P and Dr. Maxey and we will have a cat scheduled soon.

We are still waiting to hear back from Medicaid for Shea. It's a frustrating process, but in the end will be worth it.  We are also still in a waiting pattern for getting Shea physical therapy. Hopefully in two weeks they will be able to come out and qualify him. We are grateful for the social worker who  helped us in getting a home visit!  

Tomorrow Shea will officially be 4 months old!  Can't wait for our photo session :) We are going to try to do before shots...but you never know if that's going to happen!

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