Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day 8: let's go for a ride (5/3)

This morning we made sure to be at the hospital early. Ronda night nurse, had said that the cath lab might call for Shea to be brought down sooner than 8:30. So she recommended that we be there before the NICU opened just in case. We were walking through the doors of NICU literally on the dot at 7:30. Suited up and headed in. So glad we did, he was already in isolate for traveling. We were able to love him through the little holes. He looked so snuggly in there!!

Ronda and Ashlie (our day nurse) let us walk with them down to the cath lab.  There we met the anesthesiologist  and his nurse. We were able to say goodbye to him and then watch him wheel back there. I didn't lose it, but I definitely teared up. The nurses talked about random things and I focused on their words. I know it's okay to cry, but I knew that if I started I wouldn't stop.

We hung out in the waiting room for the next 3 hours with my parents. I colored, talked, played on Facebook. The time went quicker than I thought it would. Through the heart momma network, I was able to help introduce Darryl to my parents. This man is a very experienced heart grandpa. My parents have had their own network of support now.  We had a little surprise as he showed up to sit with us!  It was great to meet him in person and so kind of him to show up. 

At 8:50 Shea was finished his pre-op and Dr. P started his magic. We got notification that procedure went well and Shea was doing well. They wheeled him up to NICU and took out his breathing tube before we even got back to see him. Dr. P came to see us before we went in. Technically the procedure went well. The pulse in the leg was nice and strong too!  Now we just wait and see how it goes.

Before we went back Darryl prayed with us.  That man is an experienced prayer-er!  There wasn't a dry eye among us! Then we went and saw our baby! 

Sweet baby Shea...he was coming off the anesthesia and was not liking it, he was so fidgety and couldn't get comfortable. His numbers were in 80's which is where we expected and wanted  them to be. (We were told this yesterday ) We did love on him a little bit but we couldn't pick him up and hold..which of course is all we wanted to do!!  Paul went down to call his parents and my mom came back with me. He was going down into the 70's and it was making me nervous. Some of it was Shea, but we learned most of it was the blood pressure cuff. I didn't realize it was taking his BP every 15 min automatically.

After a bit of sitting back there with him, I realized my blood pressure was getting pretty low.  Paul and I went to lunch and my parents back with Shea so he wasn't alone. Their first babysitting gig...LOL!

When Paul and I got back, my parents headed home and we sat with Shea for about an hour. His oxygen had been increased from 25% to 35% but he still was trying to come put of his anesthesia.  Ashlie encouraged us to go get a nap in and let her take care of Shea. We went back to RMH and man oh man that hour nap was glorious!  We did get a call from Ashlie that they had taken Shea off all oxygen and he was just breathing room air.

We had breakfast for dinner and it was so yummy. So very thankful for this place. It's really hard for us to decide what to eat l, especially dinner because we are so exhausted by the tens of each day.

Our dear friend Emily came by with some random grocery items we had asked for and we just hung out and talked. We were going to go to NICU but they were closed for admission. After a while the three of us were able to go over and we each got a little time with Shea before they closed for another admission. 

During the short time we were over there nurse Haley (we have had her before and love her) told us that they had to put the oxygen back on him. And it was up to 55%...yes that seemed like a lot to us too. But he had drank 20 ml from bottle. Great sign from our warrior!!  He was definitely sleeping peacefully, not all fidgety. We knew that the meds they gave him down in the cath lab were still in Shea. I mean he was so passed out his mouth was open and he was drooling!! It was really cute. Unfortunately we had to leave because another admission was coming. (Please be praying for our NICU nurses..they got 5 admissions yesterday that I know of. ..it was slammed pack)

Emily brought us back to RMH and we got ready for bed. We knew Haley would call us after rounds with the neotalogist suggestions about Sheas oxygen levels, puffiness and some other things. We got the call about 12:30am.

So they had to turn up his oxygen to 80% for about an hour. But he destat during his 11pm feeding. After talking to neotoalogist they decided not to have him feed anymore tonight. They called cardio and then turned back on the prostaglandin. He has been able to weaned down to 50% oxygen since turning that back on. It's looking like the ductus is closing and there may not be enough flow as we had hoped. They will do echo as planned in the morning and know more. The cardio team will advise on what to do next. I know Haley had talked about giving Shea Lasix to help him pee out the fluids he is retaining. His weight has increased because of it.  But they will wait to see what his heart is looking like.

Family, friends and prayer warriors. Please keep praying for our Sweet Baby Shea. This ride is a crazy one and even though the procedure went well. We knew that it not working was a real possibility. As we find out more information and are ready to share we will. 

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