Monday, May 9, 2016

Day 13: Mothers day (5/8)

Happy mothers day to all! I didn't have very high hopes for my first .others day but that's really just because I had no idea what to expect. And being in the hospital doesn't help either.

I woke up in the wee hours of the night to put my milk in the mining ridge they have on my floor at RMH. When I opened the door, all the rooms had a large tote bag filled with things outside. I grabbed it but didn't go through it. When Paul came later in the morning we did. Lots of pampering items for me in there!!  It was wonderful.

Paul came and got me to take me back to the hospital for our 8am feeding. He. Rough me some.comforts of home and a QT coffee:)  He had also picked out some wonderful Mothers day cards for me! Shea was very awake for his 8am feeding, lots of open eyes and "talking".  We decided to come back to RMH after for some brunch. And I walked back!  It was nice to do some walking but it was a big step for me 

Brunch at RMH didn't disappoint!!  Victoria's Secret was the crew, and they made us mom's feel very special. In addition to the yummy food they had for us, they also had made swag bags.  These were no joke! One of ours had a $10gift card as well as other products! They also had asked friends to come and do hair and make up. Now if you knowe, make up and I just don't happen. But hey, it was mothers day!!  I had my face and hair did! And I felt great!!  :)  I also met some other heart mommas who are staying at RMH. Made me feel connected and blessed. Both their daughters are in a worse place than Shea, grant it, they have been here longer and both have had surgery already. But it made me feel lucky to have had these 12 days with Shea being so "healthy".

Paul and I decided to let my mom have some alone time with Shea. So we sent her over to the hospital for the 11am feeding while we relaxed some. She had a great time feeding and snuggling Shea. He even ate 35 out of 45ml for her!!

We headed back (I walked again!) to the hospital for some lunch and Shea time!  We loved lots on our little boy and we tagged teamed the 2pmnfeeding. Little man passes out during his eating!   We were also able to Skype with Paul's parents. They loved seeing Shea and we were so happy that Shea was awake and giving them lots of eyes:)  What a sweet little boy.

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