Monday, July 13, 2015

Round we go...again!

I honestly thought the months of February 2014-November 2014 were the hardest months.  We had no positive pregnancy tests, no answers from doctors and lots of frustrations.  But now as we start round 3 I am telling you these are the hardest months!!  These months we don't pee on sticks, so no need to buy them and have hope!  We know why we couldn't get pregnant, but we are so confused why these last 2 rounds of IVF haven't worked.  It's heartbreaking, frustrating and very very irritating! 

Thank you for all your sweet messages last week.  They meant a ton, they really did! 

This round is going to be a quick one. When I started my cycle on Tuesday and finally talked to Stephanie, our nurse, I explained that I thought we were going to have to skip a month.  Had we stayed on target and done the same as round 2, I would be missing my required workdays or the first week of school....NOT OKAY! Not only I am a bit of a work-oholic, but it's just not good work ethics, fair to the kiddos and the's big time!

That was our original idea...just skip this next month. But Stephanie had some other ideas: skipping birth control and Lupron (which meant flying from Delaware back to Charlotte last Thursday night) or the plan we are going with...known as Round 3!

Round 3 began last Wednesday.  I was on day 2 of cycle and we started the birth control.  I will continue on the pill until the 20th.  (It was going to be 21st, but this year is going to JAM CON! on Thursday and we aren't taking any chances) We will be seeing Dr. Katz on the 20th to talk about this round, and I hope, what he thinks happened last time.  On the 22nd I will be going in for ultrasound and bloodwork.  And then hopefully starting the estrogen patches up again.  (So basically we are shortening birth control and skipping Lupron)  My next transfer will be August 11th and I am praying this embryo is the one we have been waiting on. Third time is a charm right?  We know that God has a plan, but its super hard waiting on Him to reveal it to us.

A wonderful friend of Paul's (and mine) sent us a message that just....was...amazing.  With his permission I am sharing these words, not only so we remember them, but to help others out there. 
"Just want the both of you to know that you're in my prayers, and I mean that literally, not just saying it. I hope that you both keep your heads up and know that the Lord works in mysterious ways (i know you already know that). God will never give you more than you can handle, and he puts his heaviest loads upon the shoulders of his strongest disciples. I love you both, and know that I am here for you no matter what, no matter when." 
I had forgot in my sorrow that He won't give me more than I can handle.  I AM strong enough to handle the sadness and the ups and downs.  Thank you dear friends for hanging in there with us, loving us through it all. We are blessed by your support!

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