Saturday, June 11, 2016

6 weeks old!

I can't believe Shea is already 6 weeks old!  This means we have been home for 3 weeks...though it seems longer:)  Shea continues to eat and grow. He has been wanting to eat about every two hours, sometimes we make it to three hours though. We are lucky enough that he sleeps for a longer time at night.  I am having to wake him up at about 2 am to do a feeding. Paul gets up about 6 to feed him. Several times this week, Shea has woke us up wanting to eat!  Shea has also surpassed 9 lbs.  Last night he was a whopping 9lbs 6oz. I can't believe he still fits in the newborn clothes. We didn't have but like 3 outfits. Thank goodness to Grams who took us shopping when we were still in the hospital. Also to my sweet friends who were pregnant with me. (Their boys are about a month older than us)  I am glad they were willing to share their newborn clothes with us for a little bit.

We had a cardiologist appointment this week. He listened to his heart and lungs and he said he sounded good. We were able to go back down to 2 doses of Lasix and no more potassium!  Shea really is happy about no more potassium. :)  Afterwards we went to dinner, mostly to wait out the traffic. There was only two other customers in the place, we were very thankful for that. Shea did great, he sat in his carrier and drank his bottle while mommy and daddy ate. Well for the most part, he was held some too.

We have been so blessed with wonderful friends. This week our fridge has been full of food, super yummy food!  Big thanks to those who have been bringing and sending food to us. :) Mommy has even been trying to  venture out of the house when help is here. She made it out on Wednesday and Thursday!  Big deal people, big deal!!!

This next week brings in more support people. Hopefully with their help I can figure out my life a little better. I need more sleep, do some chores and get together some father's day gifts.


  1. So happy to hear Shea is doing so well! God Bless him and his parents as he continues his fight! Sending lots of hugs and kisses! Aunt Fran & Uncle Doug from Edison, NJ. 💙💙💙

  2. So happy to hear Shea is doing so well! God Bless him and his parents as he continues his fight! Sending lots of hugs and kisses! Aunt Fran & Uncle Doug from Edison, NJ. 💙💙💙

  3. So glad that Shea is coming a long super.Maybe we will be able to get down to see you all when the doctors finish everything with Janice
