Monday, July 4, 2016

7 weeks old

It's like the 7th inning in baseball or the supposed "7 year itch" in a relationship. 7 weeks old, and Shea decides it's time to make Mommy worry.

It all started last Monday when Daddy was doing a dinner feeding and noticed that Shea's neck was stiff. Like seriously not moving at all to right. He could turn his neck and look both ways but the ear to shoulder thing wasn't happening, not even close. Our head nurse/clinical manager has texted asking how we were doing.  I, of course, had to be honest and tell her.  I also mentioned that he hadn't gained any weight since last week.  She called our pediatrician and they both agreed it was most likely nothing. Well Tuesday am I called our cardiologist  just to make sure (plus those specific directions were in our discharge paperwork)  they seemed a bit concerned and wanted us to call back Thursday am and let them know how the Wednesday weight gain went. 

By Thursday he had gained 0.02 kg in 6 days...not great. So Thursday am not only did we call but we went in for a visit. Because nothing else was super concerning (breathing, color of skin, diapers,  feedings) we were sent home to watch. Of course Friday night he had gained more weight! Whew...7 week scare was over!

(Picture: sometimes we do tummy time on mommy while we are still waking up!)